Thursday, June 19, 2008

Technology and Teaching

Not the radical idea one might think...

The profession that I am “in” offers the chance to be both teacher and scholar. I’m challenging myself to find practical ways to incorporate technology into my pedagogy and research but I have to say that it’s already a big part.

The research project that I’m taking on for Dr. Pagnucci’s class has to do with the AA-320 Fashion Research and Communication class that I teach. Although I hesitate to take this on as a dissertation topic – simply because I have so many other ideas that I want to work with – there is a good chance that this project will be so rich that I won’t want to put it down. By the way, my research topic has to do with introducing blogging into the fashion writing course.

Technology is already a significant part of this course and this is evident because the overhead and the screen are on almost every time we meet. I often email links to myself so that I can whip them out in class for the students to view. We often watch runway video in order to write the fashion report. Students will often refer to YouTube videos in class as well as specific websites that are related to their fashion news topics. And if we need an illustration during our class discussion the students are welcome to pull it up on the computer and show it to the class in order to make a point. We all leave with more knowledge when those illustrations because practical rather than theoretical!

Technology-based goals for the upcoming academic year:

For one thing, I’ll continue working to establish a presence on the web. My teacher webpage should be finished in about a week- something that I’m really excited about. The next step is to get a webpage going for AA-320, the fashion research course. That may be more difficult because of time constraints. The first priority will be to establish my own fashion news blog, which is the challenge that I am issuing to the students and I want to be writing when they are. To practice what I’m asking them to do seems important as I take on this project. Those 3 goals seem like a good start for this next academic year.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Your Fashion Writing technology goals sound great- so innovative. You are way ahead of me with the application of technology. I'm still envious that you have learned to unburden your avatar of her box.